Transitioning from Student Life to the Workforce – Alumni Tips

Navigating the transition from student life to the professional world can be challenging. Here are some valuable tips from HRO alumni on maintaining mental health during this period:

Mikael Rantanen (MSc Human Resources and Organisations, 2022)

  • Writing: Use writing to manage stress and acknowledge both trivial and significant concerns. Writing about happy events can also be beneficial.
  • Talking: Engage in conversations to gain different perspectives and acknowledge what might hurt. Even talking to a pet can be helpful.
  • Minimizing Remote Work: Spend time in the office to interact with colleagues, which can lead to new hobbies, restaurant recommendations, and social invitations.

Elena Stoyanova (MSc Human Resources and Organisations, 2020)

  • Lunchtime Walks: Take walks during lunch to clear your head and recharge.
  • Monthly Massages: Utilize workplace amenities like massage rooms to de-stress.
  • Coffee Chats: Build relationships with colleagues over coffee to foster a sense of community.
  • Weekly Yoga: Incorporate yoga into your routine for energy and focus.
  • Clear Boundaries: Turn off work devices after hours to disconnect and avoid burnout.

Joris Wonders (MSc Human Resources Management and Employee Relations, 2001)

  • Time Blocks: Schedule small breaks between tasks to decompress and prepare.
  • Saying No: Practice saying no or delaying commitments to avoid overloading yourself.
  • Setting Boundaries: Define and protect your boundaries to maintain mental health and personal priorities.

These strategies emphasize the importance of prioritizing mental health, finding balance, and establishing boundaries for long-term success and happiness in the workforce.
Read more here.

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