Tuck Admissions Insights: Simplified Guide to Letters of Reference

Letters of Reference (LORs) are vital for Tuck’s admissions, offering insights into your professional strengths and growth areas. You have considerable control over this part of your application by choosing and preparing your references wisely.

Key Recommendations for LORs:

  • Selection: Choose referees who know your work intimately, preferably direct supervisors or professional contacts. Avoid friends, family, or anyone not closely associated with your professional achievements.
  • Content: Referees should address specific questions about your role, performance, and feedback, without needing to complete a Leadership Assessment Grid.
  • Preparation: Engage early with your referees, discuss your MBA goals and significant accomplishments to help them craft compelling and passionate LORs.

Application Requirements:

  • Submit two LORs, preferably from your current and past employers to provide a holistic view of your professional journey.
  • If not providing an LOR from a current supervisor, include a justification in your application.
  • Do not draft or translate your own LORs; this must be handled by your referees or professional services.

Managing Submissions:

  • Ensure referees are aware of deadlines; late submissions may delay your application to the next round.
  • Express gratitude to your referees for their time and effort.

This streamlined approach ensures that your LORs effectively represent your candidacy and align with Tuck’s focus on developing wise, decisive leadership.
Read more here.

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