My MBA Exchange Journey

By Sai Kota (MBA 2024)

Embarking on an MBA is more than a simple decision; it involves a series of calculated trade-offs. Each step requires weighing potential gains against sacrifices. A significant decision for many MBA students is whether to pursue an exchange program. While it offers new career insights and networking opportunities, it also means time away from one’s cohort. With careful planning, however, the benefits of an exchange program can be maximized.

Choosing Wharton for Exchange

My decision to pursue an exchange program in the U.S. stemmed from my prior experiences there as an engineer, despite having omitted U.S. schools during my MBA applications to London Business School (LBS). LBS’s extensive network of global partner schools was a key factor, allowing me the opportunity to study at Wharton. My choice was strategic, focusing on the spring term to align with my role as Co-President of the Consulting Club and to participate in the primary recruitment season.

Preparation and Selection for Wharton

Selection for an exchange depends on academic performance and the quality of your exchange essay. My preparation involved understanding the nuances of the exchange program, including the option to complete it in a shorter six-week term, which appealed to me as it allowed more flexibility with my coursework while minimizing time away from LBS.

Experience at Wharton

Arriving in Philadelphia, I was greeted by heavy snowfall, marking a stark contrast to London’s environment. The orientation at Wharton facilitated networking with other exchange students and immersion into the academic culture. Wharton’s no-device policy and case-based approach in classes such as Dynamic Marketing Strategy and Fintech enriched my learning experience. The weekends were spent exploring Philadelphia and nearby New York, enhancing my overall experience.

Reflections on the Exchange Experience

Returning to London in mid-March, I was able to reconnect with my peers and reflect on my journey. The exchange was a fulfilling part of my MBA, thanks to the support from the LBS exchange team and the comprehensive planning that went into it. The experience not only enriched my understanding but also provided a broader perspective on global business education.

In summary, pursuing an MBA exchange is a highly rewarding endeavor that, with proper planning, can significantly enhance your educational and professional trajectory.
Read more here.

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