Reflections from LGBTQIA2S+ Affinity Group Leadership

Challenges for the LGBTQIA2S+ Community: This year has brought unique difficulties for the LGBTQIA2S+ community in the U.S., with over 500 bills threatening rights, especially those of transgender youth, according to the ACLU.

Local Initiatives at Ross School of Business: At the Ross School of Business, Out For Business (OFB), the LGBTQIA2S+ graduate student affinity group, is actively fostering visibility and acceptance through community-based programs. Notable events include OUTx, an evening of student-driven storytelling, and MBgAy, an annual drag show for charity.

Highlights from Out Week: This fall’s OUTx was part of Out Week, offering diverse educational, social, and professional development opportunities for LGBTQIA2S+ students and allies. Three key moments from OUTx and Out Week include:

  1. Keynote Speaker’s Insight: Andrea James, a media-trained filmmaker and consumer activist, emphasized looking to the past to shape the future in a world of uncertainty. The idea that “the future is behind us” resonated with students, guiding discussions on the evolution of business and society.
  2. Healthcare Panel Insights: OFB collaborated with the Ross Health and Life Sciences Club to host a panel on LGBTQIA2S+ healthcare. Insights from Shanna K. Kattari shed light on healthcare disparities, emphasizing the limitations of marriage benefits in covering various health-related needs.
  3. Fireside Chat with Chasten Buttigieg: Out Week concluded with a Fireside Chat featuring Chasten Buttigieg, LGBTQIA2S+ rights advocate and husband of politician Pete Buttigieg. The conversation, moderated by Emma Jabour, explored intersections of identity and allyship, stressing the importance of building coalitions across diverse backgrounds.

Fast Collaboration and Community Impact: The Fireside Chat with Chasten Buttigieg came together quickly, showcasing the power of fast-moving collaborations across campus. The events, organized with planning and communication support, facilitated meaningful conversations and community engagement, underlining the significance of building a better business world at scale.

The success of these initiatives reflects the commitment and resources available at Ross and the University of Michigan to create an inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQIA2S+ individuals.
Read more here.

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