My Imperial Women’s Scholarship Journey

Stella Dourtme, a Global Online MBA student at Imperial College Business School and recipient of the Imperial Women’s Scholarship, shares her experience and advice for securing this prestigious award, which is given to women who demonstrate academic excellence, professional success, and a commitment to supporting women in business.

How Did It Feel to Secure the Scholarship?
Stella felt both excited and honored to receive the scholarship, empowering her to pursue her dreams and join a community of women leaders at Imperial College Business School.

Motivation for Applying
Stella was motivated by the scholarship’s financial support and networking opportunities. Her background with UN Women during the MeToo movement and her work with renowned architect Zaha Hadid inspired her commitment to advocating for women in leadership roles.

Impact on Academic and Personal Goals
Balancing work, motherhood, and studies, Stella emphasizes that the scholarship made it possible for her to pursue her MBA. The program will help her develop the skills needed to become a leader in design, technology, and real estate development.

Advice for Aspiring Scholars
Stella advises applying early, dedicating time to preparation, and showcasing skills and interests. Engaging in activities outside of work can demonstrate leadership and strengthen your candidacy.
Read more here.

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