Welcoming Ivey’s New Dean: A Q&A with Julian Birkinshaw, MBA ’91, PhD ’95

Meet Julian Birkinshaw, Ivey’s New Dean

Background: Julian Birkinshaw, originally from the UK, is returning to Ivey after earning his MBA in 1991 and PhD in 1995. He previously held academic positions in Sweden and at London Business School.

Memorable Experiences: Birkinshaw fondly recalls his transformative MBA classes and the strong cohort during his PhD studies, highlighting influential faculty and engaging discussions.

Research Focus: His research centers on how large firms adapt to rapid business changes, digital transformation, innovation, AI, and entrepreneurship. His upcoming book, “Resurgent,” explores digital transformation in established companies.

Career Highlights: Birkinshaw is proud of his contributions to corporate ambidexterity, management innovation, and multinational subsidiaries. He also led significant initiatives at London Business School, including the Masters in Management program and online/digital development.

Inspiration for Ivey: Ivey holds a special place in Birkinshaw’s heart, with family ties and a desire to shape the School’s future and elevate its global presence.

Ivey’s Strengths: He praises Ivey’s commitment to case teaching, thought leadership, and cross-university initiatives in leadership and entrepreneurship.

Initial Priorities: In his first few weeks, Birkinshaw aims to listen and engage with faculty, staff, alumni, students, and colleagues to understand current challenges and opportunities.

Personal Interests: Outside of work, Birkinshaw enjoys staying fit through running, triathlons, and orienteering, and looks forward to participating in local events.
Read more here.

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