Shanon Muir: 2024 Best & Brightest Executive MBA, University of Michigan (Ross)

Shanon Muir, Senior Vice President at Warner Bros. Discovery, has been honored as one of the 2024 Best & Brightest Executive MBA students by the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. With a rich background in legal and business affairs, Shanon pursued the Ross EMBA to enhance her leadership and general management skills. During her time in the program, she successfully balanced her career, academics, and personal commitments, even taking on significant challenges like a home move during a busy term.

Shanon is proud of her promotion to Senior Vice President, where she led and expanded teams across various departments. She credits the Ross EMBA program with teaching her valuable lessons in teamwork and leadership, which she applied directly to her professional life. Shanon’s ultimate goal is to eventually run her own business, using the knowledge and experience gained through her MBA to build something of her own.
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