MBA Alumni Offer Guidance to New MBA Candidates

As part of the orientation for the Full-Time MBA (FTMBA) Class of 2026, six Marshall FTMBA alumni returned to campus on July 29 for a panel discussion. Alumni Parvathi Nair Bindhu MBA ’23, Olivia Glick MBA ’23, Danielle Miller MBA ’24, Alex Mohr MBA ’22, Parin Patel MBA ’19, and Kabir Sarjan MBA ’24 shared their insights with the new cohort, moderated by Kirk Kim Jr. MBA ’25, president of the Marshall Graduate Student Association.

Key Themes: Trojan Family and Networking

The alumni emphasized the importance of the Trojan Network. Olivia Glick highlighted how USC alumni supported her through coffee chats, interview preparation, and career advice. The panelists agreed that the supportive environment at Marshall, especially among classmates, is unique and invaluable.

Personal Connections and Growth

Panelists spoke about the deep connections they formed with their core teams, some of which have led to lifelong friendships. Parin Patel even met his wedding MC in his core team. The alumni now see opportunities to give back to the Marshall community, mentoring new students and providing critical connections.

Advice for New Students

The alumni encouraged new students to leverage the resources of the Trojan Network and be selective in their involvement, focusing on quality and passion over quantity. They also addressed overcoming Imposter Syndrome, with Danielle Miller noting her increased confidence and personal growth through the program.

Career Success and Future Aspirations

The alumni have secured positions at top companies like Cisco, EA Sports, and EY. They hope the Class of 2026 will make the most of their two years at Marshall to transform their careers, build the Trojan Network, and uphold the school’s tradition of excellence.
Read more here.

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