Addressing Inequities in Education: Amal Tariq’s Social Enterprise Summer Fellowship

Amal Tariq, an MBA student at Harvard Business School (HBS), spent her summer working at City Fund in Washington, D.C., through the Education Pioneers fellowship. City Fund partners with local leaders to innovate public school systems that help move children out of poverty. Amal’s role involved supporting City Fund by improving knowledge sharing among nonprofit partners and identifying areas for additional guidance.

Amal chose this internship because of her deep interest in using education as a tool for social change. She was particularly drawn to the opportunity to address systemic inequities in education and to connect with a supportive community through the fellowship.

Her goals for the summer included gaining a deeper understanding of the education sector, exploring how her strengths could address challenges in public education, and clarifying where she could make the most impact. The MBA program at HBS prepared her with essential problem-solving tools and data-driven decision-making skills, which she applied during her internship.

This experience reinforced Amal’s commitment to advancing equity in education and deepened her understanding of the complex systems at play within public education. Despite the challenges, she remains dedicated to making a difference in this field through her future career.
Read more here.

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