A Cultural Odyssey: EMBA Term 2 at London Business School

Throughout the second term of the EMBA program at London Business School, cultural engagements intertwined beautifully with academic rigor, enriching my educational journey and reinforcing my life passions. A visit to the British Museum’s “Michelangelo: The Last Decades” profoundly impacted me, highlighting the inexhaustible vigor of the Renaissance master despite his age. Michelangelo’s dedication, evident in his shaky yet determined signature on a letter days before his death, left a lasting impression on me.

My cultural explorations continued with a moving experience at St. Martin in the Fields, where I immersed myself in the timeless melodies of Mozart, Pachelbel, and Vivaldi. This musical interlude was not just a personal joy but also a reinforcement of my affinity for Italian geniuses, pairing Michelangelo with Vivaldi as my favorite artists.

The term also featured a delightful cohort BBQ, enhancing familial bonds and offering our loved ones a glimpse into our academic world. Our family’s passion for history led us to the storied halls of Hampton Court, exploring the legacy of Henry VIII and the origins of the Anglican Church. Our historical adventures extended to the British Museum’s “Legion” exhibition, which captivated us with Roman military life and artifacts, including a rare surviving Roman shield.

Artistic explorations were equally enriching. A visit to the Victoria Miro contemporary art gallery introduced me to the vibrant works of Trinidadian artists Boscoe and Geoffrey Holder, opening my eyes to new artistic perspectives. Meanwhile, the Chelsea Flower Show connected my academic learnings with practical insights into the landscaping industry, enhancing my understanding of our family business’s positioning within the global ecosystem.

Personal connections, such as meeting with LBS alumna Ofelia Heffron, provided both comfort and inspiration, reinforcing my sense of belonging to the LBS community. Moreover, engaging with the diverse EMBA Global cohort, particularly during the Caravaggio exhibition at the National Gallery, enriched my appreciation for art history and the shared human experiences depicted in his works.

This term was a testament to how seamlessly family life, business, and cultural pursuits can be woven together, each strand reinforcing the others. It has been a transformative journey, fostering not only professional growth but also a profound personal evolution.
Read more here.

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