Tuck Admissions Insights: Education Information

Your academic record, along with test scores and professional experience, helps assess the Smart criterion. Here’s how to share your academic history:

Undergraduate Degree and Other Schools:

  • List your primary undergraduate school and any additional schools attended (exclude study abroad programs and non-degree coursework).
  • Include details like major, institution name, GPA (if numeric), grading scale, degree dates, and class rank (if applicable).
  • Use “My School is Not Listed” if your school isn’t found in the search.

Other Education Information:

  • Indicate postgraduate non-degree courses and professional certifications.
  • Provide course and certification details, and any additional transfer school information.


  • Upload transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate schools attended, including transfer schools.
  • Submit both the original and a certified translation if transcripts are not in English.
  • Unofficial transcripts are acceptable initially; official copies are required upon enrollment.

Assessing Your Academic History:

  • Report your GPA as per your institution’s scale; Tuck does not standardize GPAs.
  • No minimum GPA is required; three-year bachelor’s degrees are equally considered.
  • The admissions committee evaluates grades within the context of your school’s grading scale and rigor.

Optional Information:

  • Use this section to explain any academic performance issues.
  • Share additional achievements in the resume and Activities and Awards sections.

Reach out to Tuck Admissions with any questions. They look forward to learning more about you through your application!
Read more here.

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