Making a Triple Career Jump Post-Cambridge MBA: A Strategic Guide

A year after earning my Cambridge MBA, I successfully executed a triple career pivot across industry, function, and geography. This wasn’t achieved through conventional methods but by strategically navigating the hidden job market. Here’s my guide:

Step 1: Embrace ‘Ideation Chats’ Shift from generic networking to ideation-focused conversations. Instead of requesting favors, offer valuable discussions. Identify shared passions and propose intellectually stimulating ideation chats. I secured a referral for my dream role through a VP after a compelling ideation chat focused on her industry challenges.

Step 2: Patience is Key Career pivots are a long game. Stay connected even when opportunities seem scarce. After three months of periodic check-ins, an opportunity suddenly emerged. Had I given up earlier, I might have missed it. Patience is a crucial element in building meaningful connections.

Step 3: Leverage Six Degrees of Separation Tap into the power of serendipity and the six degrees of separation. Engage with seemingly unrelated employees within your target company. A conversation with one person may lead to a referral or recommendation from someone closely connected to decision-makers.

Step 4: Learn the Language of the Role and Company Speak to individuals who have held or supervised the desired role to understand its nuances. Move beyond the job description to grasp how the role aligns with the company’s strategic objectives. Fluency in the company’s language enhances your interview performance and demonstrates genuine interest.

Final Advice: Be Bold and Strategic Career pivots require courage and strategy. My successful triple career jump was achieved after strategic attempts. Stay focused, be bold, and persevere through the challenges. Career pivots are achievable with determination and a strategic approach.

Divya Dewan, Cambridge Judge alumna (Class of 2022), is currently the Practice Leader, Career Development & Mobility at LHH, a recruiting consulting company in London, UK.
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