Navigating Hybrid Work Early in Career: Essential Tips for Recent Graduates

The rise of hybrid working, a mix of remote and in-office work, poses a unique challenge for early-career professionals, particularly recent graduates. Although 93% of UK businesses have adopted this model, only 6% provide training on the nuances of hybrid work. The article outlines key strategies for thriving in this new environment:

  1. Developing Key Skills: This involves honing both digital and socio-digital skills, which allow effective communication and relationship building online. Conflict management skills can prevent misunderstandings and foster good professional relationships. Being proactive and managing time effectively are also critical, as is the ability to network in an online environment.
  2. Understanding Your Role: Osmosis learning, or learning by observing others, is harder in a hybrid environment. To overcome this, reach out to colleagues or line managers for clarification, ask questions, and pay attention in group meetings. Patience with yourself is also essential.
  3. Adjusting to New Workplace Norms: Understanding office etiquette can be challenging, especially for those without prior exposure. Reach out to HR or the person who hired you for clarity on office norms and procedures.
  4. Ensuring the Visibility of Your Work: It can be challenging to showcase your work remotely. Ensuring that you communicate effectively and that your work is visible to your team/manager can help establish your role within the team. Don’t hesitate to highlight your achievements.
  5. Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance: Balancing work and personal life can be challenging when working from home, especially without a dedicated workspace. Setting clear boundaries regarding working hours can prevent burnout.

By following these tips, early-career professionals can successfully navigate and thrive in a hybrid working environment.

Read more here.

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