A Glimpse into an Empowering MBA Journey at London Business School: Perspective from a Global Female Leader

The author describes her decision to attend London Business School (LBS) as one of the best choices she’s made. Drawn to the opportunity of connecting with diverse cultures and acquiring a global business perspective, LBS offered the unique international setting she was seeking. Despite the challenges of moving to a new country and navigating an intensive MBA program while being a mother of two, she found the experience rewarding and transformative.

The author highlights that the diversity of LBS, with classmates from around the world, broadened her perspective and fostered a global mindset, a critical asset in today’s interconnected business world. Despite initial concerns about balancing academics, career progression, and motherhood, she found her unique experiences as a mother enriching her understanding of global business dynamics.

As she completes her first year, she reflects on her journey at LBS as transformative and empowering, exceeding her expectations. She emphasizes how her experience at LBS reaffirmed her belief that mothers can make significant impacts and overcome any obstacles in the world.
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